Thursday, April 21, 2011's Mystery Crochet Along #3! Complete!

Well... complete as in, I finished the instructions and came up with a new handle instead of using wooden ones. Now I just need to line the whole thing and be done with it! I am thinking pale pink. I'll give it a go today and see what comes of it.

I like it on the whole. It's not too big, not too small. It's pretty good.  Ha.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Butterfly Blanket FINISHED!

Insert sigh of relief here! This one was a really long project, I have to say. I got seriously tired of doing those circles. But it turned out really well, and my daughter loves it. What more can I ask for than that?? I will have better pics later now that I've finally recharged the battery on my Nikon. Syd is already making up poses to show off her new butterfly! I found this pattern in Crochet Today!'s Ultimate Blankets issue.'s Mystery Crochet Along #3!: Days 4 and 5

This purse is really moving along. Everyone should check out the website or our Facebook page Crocheting. I'm really enjoying the mystery of how it will ultimately turn out. Will I stick with the original pattern or will I modify the end to make my own handles? Only time will tell!
Day 4
Day 5

Saturday, April 16, 2011's Mystery Crochet Along #3!

Today is day two of our mystery crochet along. This CAL is in a purse theme. So I know it'll end up being a purse... of some sort. I'm pretty excited about this! It's a nice break from the butterfly blanket for my daughter. That project is almost done, so I'll be posting pics of it soon. I'll be posting a picture of each day's progress, so here's the first two day's progress! So exciting!

Day 1
Day 2

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hooded Baby Blanket: Complete!

I've finished it finally! Woo! It was supremely easy to do, I can't imagine anyone being physically able to mess this pattern up. It's also gorgeous, which is a bonus for me. I'm sure my little Bear won't mind.

Without further ado, here it is!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Forgotten Project & a Pattern Idea

The forgotten project! It's so wonderful, really. I love, LOVE this pattern. It's a bit of a pain in a sense, because when I did this I was new to crochet. A nearly total newbie, if you will. My husband saw a version of this and set me out to find the pattern ASAP. Here is the finished product (with him in it!)

Yes! You see it correctly! It's a beanie. It's a beard! It's... the Ultimate Bearded Beanie! Of course, I used the hubby's preferred beanie pattern. It's a very nice pattern I found over at Lion Brand. I LOVE most of their patterns. Go figure. The beard comes from a lovely woman on Etsy. Her shop is called ByLauraDesign. I like the texture of this one versus the original beard, but they are both truly awesome. A very, very cool play on the traditional ski mask.

Onto the pattern revision. I'll probably edit it into the original post but I'll stick it here for now. On the Tri-Strand Easter Basket you can do double crochet instead of half double crochet. It makes for a different look AND gives you the ability to weave some ribbon through and give the basket a bit of a different look!

Lazy Kind of Days...

So! I've finished another few inches on the hooded baby blanket I started for my son. It's just so lovely, and it feels like... a textured cloud. I think Bear is going to enjoy it! Otherwise on the crochet front it's been a little slow. I've been a little busy with one fussy with teething pretty-much six month old.

I do have crochet related news to share, though! I should have mentioned it sooner, but I have discovered a wonderful group of fellow crocheters. If you are on Facebook, you should definitely "Like" Crocheting. It's a very fun place to hang out with like minded crochet lovers. After you've liked our Facebook page, you should head on over to our forums at Let's Crochet dot com and meet some of our members. I personally love it there. I wish I had more time to hang out there.

I should mention these two places like to do Mystery Crochet-A-Longs. That's right! You get instructions, but you have no true idea what it will look like. The latest, which will start soon, is a purse... of some sort. It should be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby Bibs!

My husband is out of town this week and I was having a bit of trouble sleeping. My son is just starting solid foods and is desperately needing bibs! So I decided to crochet up a bib. I found a pattern I liked on Ravelry, but the pattern is by Coats & Clark. You can find it here. It's called the Beep Beep Bib. I didn't do the car pattern on the front, and the tabs that go around the neck are too small but I think it turned out well. One of the best things about this project is that I learned the reverse single crochet (or crab stitch). I'm quite happy about it! 

Here's a finished pic. I like how the yarn made a big V pattern. I used Peaches 'n Creme cotton yarn for this. It's quite a nice pattern overall. I'm a little bit in love with cotton yarn, too! 

Don't mind the little foot... he was snoozing away next to me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cowja Pics & Progress on a Hooded Baby Blanket

And here he (or she) is sans arms! I'm still working on those. I quite like how the little mooninja turned out. Very cute. He is missing arms because.... I started work on a baby blanket for my son. This blanket is so FAST! It's fantastic. The hardest part, so far, is the beginning row, just because beginning rows are always a bit of a pain. So here is the progress as of last night.

Love love LOVE it!! The pattern is from LionBrand and comes with the Pound of Love yarn. You can also find it with a registration for free over at